Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Drink Up
Friday, May 28, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
self portrait
Also, I need to make a note to myself, to wear more sunscreen. Look at those freckles!! Zachary, please take after your Daddy when it comes to sunburns vs suntans.
Laughing with Pepere
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Z has TEETH!
well, one tooth anyway! =)
Z has been fussy, but not as drooly as I had anticipated. Nights are the worst. We put him down and he just cries, and chews on his hands. We've had to stealth into his bedroom and put orajel on his gums to get him to settle down enough to sleep. And then one morning, we noticed a little speck of white, and you could see the top ridge of the the bottom tooth poking up through the gums. Now to teach him to bite food, not Mommy...
and here's a close up of the Tooth!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.
We got the go ahead to start Z on some MEAT. He wasn't quite as excited as we were. However, as with most new foods, by the end of the meal, he's just happy to be eating. I think the last picture gives you an idea of how he eventually felt about chicken. Probably something similar to what his Poppa's first words were: More Meat!

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
my sweet baby Z
Paul took these beautiful pictures of me and Z on Mother's Day. Z was very interested in what was going on with the deck, including the leaf he leaned over and crushed in his chubby little fingers!
He's such a good baby, and I feel so lucky to be home with him. I enjoy being his momma, and taking care of him everyday. I peek into his room before I go to bed, because it makes me happy to see him sleep so peacefully. I have to admit that he completely wears me out sometimes, and it's nice to see him fast asleep and not trying to escape...
He's on the move now, not crawling, but rolling all over the place. He can literally roll from one end of the room to the other, and he can scoot backwards when he's on his belly. There's no leaving the room for even a second now. (it's definitely time to install the baby gates on the stairs!)
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Z and the Mouse
If it fits in his goes in. We've thought for a long time that teeth would be coming in any day. And then days go by, and nothing happens. He drools like crazy, chews on his fingers (and toys, and his momma's limbs, and anything else in reach) and then after a couple days he stops, and still no teeth. Not that he's that much worse off, this boy can gum anything! We'll just have to be patient, and put up with the ZombieBaby until his gums stop hurting!
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