I definitely feel spoiled by my little dude. He makes me so happy! I am such a proud Momma. I should probably offer a blanket apology to the friends, family, and random people at the shopping market for my incessant bragging. But he's so awesome, I just can't help myself.
Everyday he does something new to amaze me. Today he was signing up a storm, and he's started really connecting the signs to the meaning behind it. He asks for milk all day long, and he's not easily deflected! But when he's hungry, all you have to do is ask him if he wants to eat, and he starts making the sign and squawking happily when we lead him to the kitchen. Although lately, he's starting to lead us to the kitchen. We just hold his hand, and he will walk right out there.
And yes, it's official, Z is walking. I'm not sure when exactly we switched from cruising to full on walking, but he's doesn't need to keep a hand on the couch, or hold onto one of our fingers anymore. He walks across the entire length of the room, stops at the other end, then turns around and comes back. He still occasionally teeters and falls down, and he isn't very aware of the toys or furniture in his way, but he's getting better all the time. At least he isn't throwing himself forward at top speed, he's adding a little bit more control and finesse!
I just have so much fun with him everyday. We play together, and get all our errands run. Market runs are more fun when I have Z in the cart, pulling out the groceries and putting them back on the shelves (or the floor!) when I'm not watching carefully enough. He keeps me on my toes!
He keeps me entertained, and smiling, and I really do feel spoiled to have such a happy, easy baby!