Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Me Time

My birthday, so I get to make the to-do list. 

Sleep in.
Make cupcakes with my two favorite little ones.
Eat donuts (picked out by Zachary!)
Get dressed up and go out to dinner with my hubby.

I'm sure there were other things that I wanted to do, and did, but that covers all the important stuff! 

Happy birthday to me!

Even Better

A routine trip to the aquarium is made even better by the addition of two of your favorite cousins! 

Just as long as the beluga doesn't eat the baby. That would kind of ruin the trip. 

Then, once we'd exhausted ourselves with all of the exhibits, the kids decided it was time for a snack, and some no shoes time. Zachary didn't have socks on, because he'd soaked them in a puddle outside. because, of course. 

Great company makes a fun visit to the aquarium so much more fun. Come back soon cousins!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Snow me Over

Winter lingered for a long time in New England this season, and apparently my blog still hasn't caught up yet. By this snowstorm, in february, my kids were pretty much fed up with the snow. It was bitter cold, and while they were enthusiastic about going out and playing, they really only lasted about five minutes, then they were hurrying back inside to warm up. I, of course, continued to enjoy the bitter cold while I slogged through shoveling out the driveway.

Pizza Party!

Happy fourth birthday Jayden!!! Or as Zachary would say, "happy four year old birthday jayden!" 

My kids love pizza. Now, thanks to Jayden's awesome pizza party, they insist on making it themselves. Elara will typically spend her efforts on eating all of the toppings, while Zachary has more of a one for me, one for the pizza approach. But, when they're done, I fill in the cheese gaps, and they have pizza for dinner. 

Thanks for letting us celebrate with you at your party Jayden!