Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Little Cuddles

sometimes when the baby is tiny, and they fall asleep, you sit and you enjoy the nap and the cuddle, the smell of their warm little head, the soft, fuzzy hair. you don't put them down in their beds, because you know that there are only so many naps, so many cuddles, so many days before they won't want to be still. and right now, your baby needs you, and you need your baby. even if your exhausted, unshowered, and your house is turned upside down. you sit and enjoy your baby. because nothing else matters.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Sunny Side Up

Another trip to Buttonwood Farms for the Sunflowers for Wishes festival. My kids love it more and more every time, and I'm always happy to have ice cream and take pretty pictures!

So long...until next time.

As much as we wanted Uncle Robert and Amanda to stay, they had to drive back to Iowa. :( 

You were so wonderful taking Zachary for his summer vacation to Iowa, it certainly made a huge impression on him. I think he will have memories of his summer in Iowa for a long time. Thank you for helping him complete his extensive to-do list!

We loved having them come meet Barrett, and do a speed dating version of New England. Next summer, come stay for a longer visit!