Weight: 22.5 pounds, which is off the charts!
Height: 27 1/4 inches, 75th Percentile
and for his not so humongous head: 43cm, 25th Percentile
If you've never been pregnant before, prepare yourself to hear this over and over. Sleep while you can, because once the baby gets here... I was so sick of hearing that, I could have throttled someone. It's not like I could possibly sleep any more than I already was, I was on BEDREST, and besides, there's no way to pre-sleep. But everyone still felt the need to remind me of how it was going to be once Z arrived. I think they tell you to sleep while you can, because it's the nicest way to say you're going to be so sleep deprived that you can't remember your own name, or when the last time was that you ate.
They also tell you your life is over when you have a baby, and they're right. But it's not over forever! Things are so much better 6 months later. We no longer need to constantly hold and entertain him. He is able to sit up, and play with the toys on his TummyTime quilt, or bounce around in his jumper for a little while. He's content long enough to let me toast a bagel, or even use the bathroom. When I'm really lucky, a Baby Einstein video will keep him busy enough that I can make a blog post! He's occasionally sleeping through the night, and is a really good napper. One of my favorite improvements is that Z doesn't seem to cry without a reason anymore. He was always a pretty good baby, but now we are able to read his cues and often prevent the crying from happening at all. And when he does cry, it's mostly because he's tired, or hungry.
At 6 months Zach has started babbling incessantly, and squirming all over the place. He will wriggle himself completely off of your lap, and then look up at you from the floor like you stranded him there. He can turn himself completely around on the floor, and he rolls over when he wants to see something behind him. I can see his frustration at not being mobile yet, but he's starting to push himself up onto his knees, and we know we really ought to be starting our babyproofing!!
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