Sunday, January 29, 2012


Stockings are a big deal at my family's house. It's not because the presents are expensive, much the opposite in fact.  It's little bits and pieces, from nerf guns to lip balm. I know Z got squeezies, books, a singing toothbrush, and cool cars with dinosaurs on them. Stockings are always the first thing to be opened on Christmas morning. I can remember we used to open the stockings when we were too impatient to wait for Grandma and Grandpa and Mame to come the 15 minutes across the river in the morning. There would be one present to open (usually slippers, or fuzzy jammy pants) and then if we were desperate, we could dig into the stockings. Now that we're all a bit older, the rules have changed a little bit, and we always wait for everyone to come over. Then we spend the morning opening stockings, because of course, there are stockings from my parents (with help from the kids!), AND stockings from Grandma and Grandpa. Plus there are almost always overflow bags for the stuff that just wouldn't fit!

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