Thursday, January 29, 2015


Oh little girl, how you test me! You are equal parts best friend and nemesis. Full of spunk and drama and attitude, you know how to push my buttons when you feel like it. But you also are really good at the warm and fuzzies.

Since birth you have known the exact moment when I am drifting off to sleep, and take that opportunity to need me for something. 

You have gorgeous hair, that you never want me to brush or style. 

Getting dressed in the morning is a battle, and even when i think I've won, I'll come around the corner and find you half undressed, and pulling on a new pair of pants. 

You say nilla (vanilla), got-for (forgot), no-man (snowman) and have a bigger vocabulary than I can keep up with. 

You regularly tell me that you ride on a pink school bus, and would give anything to get on the bus with Zachary in the morning. 

You named your baby dolls: big baby, little baby, and tiny baby. 

You sometimes call me Mommy, instead of Momma. 

You wake up with the sunshine, raring to go, and hungry. But there's a good chance that after your 5 course breakfast, you'll only nibble a little for the rest of the day. 

Brushing your teeth is one of your favorite things to do, unless I try to help, then you're over it. 

You think coffee is the best thing in the world, even though you know you can't have it. But if Momma has it, of course it's amazing. (thank goodness for coffee milk!)

You want to play whatever Zachary is playing, and do whatever Zachary does. You'll even sit at the table and do "homework" with him.

The past three weeks we've read the same two books every nap time and bedtime. You Are My I Love You, and I Love You Stinky Face. For weeks before that, it was always Moo, Baa, La La La, and Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaur. But Daddy has to read the Pirate book, and Zachary has to read Bambi. 

Already you love to talk on the phone. Anytime I get a call, you are in my face trying to figure out who it is, and whether I'll hand over the phone.

You'd go to gymnastics every day if I took you, and you're always up for a dance party.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is still a favorite, but sometimes if another show is on, you'll tell me it isn't over, and we can watch Mickey Mouse later. 

You stomp your feet and cross your arms like a teenager. 

No way can I fit all of your personality into one blog post, but this is a start. Maybe if you hadn't woken me up with the sun this morning, I'd stay up a little later working on this. But I know you'll be up early again tomorrow morning, and I still have to recover from today. Love you princess stinky face.

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