Friday, June 12, 2015

baby belly!

Even photographers need great photographer friends--A huge thank you to my friend Jessica for taking these beautiful pictures of me on our scouting trip at Harkness State Park Beach. 

I can't believe we are coming up on the end of this pregnancy! I was 31 weeks in these pictures--and we are now at 36 weeks, and baby is only going to be sitting tight for a little while longer. (and yes, my belly has gotten even bigger since our trip to the beach!) 

As the pregnancy continues, and my comfort level plummets, I'm trying to remind myself that this is likely the last time I will be pregnant, and I need to enjoy and appreciate it as much as possible. This little guy gets the hiccups at least once or twice a day and likes to stretch out from my hipbone to my ribcage. He also keeps me up at night with crazy hunger pains and lots of kicking and punching. Oh, and of course he's head down and squashing my poor bladder, so it feels like we're in the bathroom more often than not. 

But for all my complaining, I love being pregnant. I love connecting with the baby in the quiet moments in the middle of the night. Wondering if he's going to be like his big brother, or his big sister.  Sharing the excitement of a new little baby with Big Brother Zachary, and Soon-to-be-Big-Sister Elara. They both like feeling him moving and kicking, and they love to talk to my belly. Elara wants to hold him in the boppy, and give him a pacifier when he's crying, and Zachary wants to pick out a stuffed animal for him at the hospital--just like he did for Elara when she was born. 

I can't wait to meet this little guy--but I hope he stays put for a little big longer, so I can enjoy being pregnant for just a few more days. It's not exactly calm and quiet around here--but adding an infant to the mix is sure to take things to a different level of chaotic and crazy! 

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