Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Zachary was especially excited by the Australian wing of Natural History Museum. He was super excited to peek at the little joey inside the Momma Kangaroo's pouch, and to see the Koala Bears.

It's Only Natural

We decided a trip to the Natural History Museum in DC was worth braving the Metro with a two year old. It turns out it was well worth the trip! The timing worked out beautifully, and Zachary slept through the parts of the museum that he probably wouldn't have been as interested in, like the minerals, rocks and jewelry section. He woke up just in time to see all the Animals, and Dinosaurs! He would have happily stayed there for hours. Might be time for another trip to the zoo!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Zachary would happily let us tickle him until he passed out from exhaustion. If he wasn't wearing diapers, he'd probably have peed his pants. He's a total sensation junkie, and we're learning, a bit of an adrenaline junkie. He's fascinated with walking backwards, off of couches, stairs, ledges, anything. He also wants to go down the slide on his knees, or even better, face first! I should take bets on when he's going to have his first broken bone...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Meem and her MonkeyShine

It was definitely Mame's turn to make a trip out to Maryland. She and Grandma took a few days to make the drive out, and then spent a few more days visiting with us. We were able to do some sightseeing, but some of the best times we're spent sitting around and snuggling with Z. Thanks for making the trip "Meem" and Grandma! It was a wonderful visit--and ever since I've had to hear about how Z is sad. He drops his head down, and says, "Zaza sad. Cuz for Meem, Grandma, Grandpa." Then he sighs. The next visit won't be long from now, I promise Z!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Lots to Be Thankful For!

Grandma and Mame couldn't wait to divest themselves of Z's numerous birthday presents. They drove out from Iowa, and waited just long enough for Z to wake up from his nap, before giving him all his presents to open. He got tons of books, and a mini purple hippo pillow pet. He also go an entire goody bag of toys, treats and distractions for the ride to Iowa. You can tell his Meem and Gramma love him! I think this was the tail end of Z's birthday celebrations, and as his toy room shows, he has a lot of family that adores him!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

this is a stick up!

Zach's first attempt at eating a Popsicle all by himself was declared a success. He ate it so quickly, it didn't even have a chance to melt onto his hand! I am under no illusion that this will continue to be so easy!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

favorite things...

Pepere stopped by for a visit, and like all of Z's family, couldn't resist the temptation of giving Z a present. Can't go wrong with Elmo slippers, and Baby Einstein Books. Thanks Pepere!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Daddy's Car!

The Mustang has put in many long years of service. It's starting to show it's age, but it still looks great! . We should track down the picture of him standing next to the mustang at his High School Graduation, because I think Paul is looking even better with age! Zachary loves to point out the horse on the front, and read off the letters on the license plate. I'm sure someday he'd love to drive a Mustang just like Daddy!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Park Yourself Here

Believe it or not, the slide is not Zachary's favorite park activity, and he'd happily play on the slide for hours. His favorite part of the park is the mulch! He'll grab huge fists full, and put them on the swings, and let it go down the slide in front of him. He piles it into every nook and cranny he can, and when all else fails, he lets it rain down on his face...and laughs about it.