Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Z is a passionate child. He loves and hates with so much of himself. The list of things that Z doesn't like is surprisingly(?) long.

He doesn't like...
when I put jelly on his PB&J.
when he's under a blanket and his socks are on.
when he spills milk on the table, or yogurt on his shirt.
when his popsicle is too cold.
when there is green stuff in his Auntie Ginnie's chicken soup.
when his show is too loud.
when his show is too quiet.
when he has fuzzies between his toes.
when I clean up his toys and he's "still playing with them" (even though he hasn't looked at them since yesterday).
when I don't leave the backup camera on all the time in the Murano.
when I turn the radio on.
when I turn the radio off.
when Elara has the toy he "really wants to play with."
when we forget to do "what we did today" at bedtime.
when his milk gets warm.
when you buy yellow oranges (navel) instead of orange oranges (clementines).
when the cheese isn't square.
when the cheese isn't yellow.
when his chocolate chip cookies have raisins in them.
when we have to return the library books.
when people go back to their own houses.
when we tell him to leave his shoes on in the car/plane/church.
when his stuffed animals have to take a bath.
when he can only have two vitamins.
when someone he wants to play with is holding Elara.
when Elara "fuzzes" for even a second.

The Scottis certainly got it right when they gave Z his Christmas present. We won't ever see him on Z's list, he loves his new friend, "Scotti!"

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