Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Plenty of diversion and whispers and secret planning went into getting Grandma Ann to the night of her birthday party without her knowing anything was up. Auntie Christine worked hard planning the party, Big Daddy Paul was in charge of music, and among other things, Linwood made sure Grandma Ann was wearing her party clothes. She thought she was going out to celebrate Linwood's birthday! 

Even Zachary was in on the surprise--well, he was in on it at the last minute. We knew he wouldn't be able to stay quiet for long! He came with to pick up the flowers, but he told Grandma Ann we were only going to get burritos. He even fibbed and told her how much he loooves burritos. Good thing she didn't ask what he got on his burrito, because when we were coaching him on the super secret, he told us he looooved his cucumber burrito, and he loved it as much as garbage is smelly. I think he was a much bigger fan of the surprise party than the burritos his daddy and I enjoy!  Elara was happy to put on her party dress, and dance with her cousins. We even let them stay up until 10 to dance and party it up. 

Happy Happy Birthday Grandma Ann. We are so happy to be able to celebrate with you and the family! Should we plan on another one in 10 or 15 years? :)))

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