Thursday, February 6, 2014

Free Play

Christmas break at Nonna and Poppa's house is awesome---there's always someone to play with the kids, and lots of toys they don't see every day, so they're entertained and busy. That puts the kids in a great mood, and lets me have a break from pretending to be a dragon, or a superhero. We all win!

I have to share Zachary's knock knock joke, which he pulls out every time Elara is getting a diaper change, and isn't very happy about it. He's a great distraction, a big help, and E laughs hysterically every time he tells it:

Knock Knock. (done by knocking on Elara's forehead)
Who's there?
Okay, I'll open the door. (Mimics opening a door)
Ahhhhh! (rubs his hand all over E's face)
My pet zebra is gone! 
Then sometimes he elaborates: and it's on the other side of the wormhole, and so is a dinosaur!

Elara isn't the only one who laughs hysterically. 

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