Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Big Eyes for Daddy

I snuck a picture of Zachary in here, because I couldn't get over the similarity between the two pictures. You can tell this is a Daddy who is happy to finally meet and hold his babies. I love that they are both so wide eyed and alert for him!
I could blame the postpartum hormones, but really, this is just the sweetest thing ever, and I can't deny my heart melts looking at these. Paul is such an adoring and wonderful daddy (and husband!) Zachary, Elara and I are so lucky to have him in our family! I especially appreciated his support throughout the whole delivery process. While I was in the hospital, he held my hand, helped me in and out of bed, held the garbage can for me when I was sick, and changed lots of tiny baby diapers! Love you Big Daddy Paul!

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