Saturday, September 14, 2013

The other white milk.

Elara Lily just doesn't care for cow's milk. Zachary wasn't thrilled either at first, but he eventually grew to love milk. Milk is a beloved thing to him, enjoyed with and between meals. He drinks water, but he'd rather have milk any time. But Elara has been "drinking" milk for close to 2 months now, and by drinking, I mean I offer it to her, and she spits it out everywhere. Sometimes she'll take a big gulp, because she thinks I've handed her a sippy cup of water, and then she dribbles it all back out down her chin onto her clothes or the floor. I didn't want to warm it up for her, because I wanted her to get used to having it cold. But after weeks of no success, I finally gave in and warmed it up. Still not even slightly interested. She just looks at me like, "lady. give. me. back. my. water."  

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