Friday, November 7, 2014


Zachary may have looked a little pouty in this first picture, but I think he was just sick of his momma taking pictures of him, he actually jumped into kindergarten with a big smile, and a lot of enthusiasm. He was excited to ride the bus, and meet his new classmates. I was WAY more nervous than he was. He hopped on the bus, waved goodbye, and only made his momma cry a little. Kindergarten has been great so far. His reading, drawing, math skills, people skills--they're all getting better every single week. He has plenty of stories to share, and even some cute kindergarten drama to tell me about when he gets off the bus (ready to eat an entire afternoon snack meal.) He even told me he was disappointed he couldn't go to school on the weekends, because he couldn't see his friends. Except Sundays, because there is football on Sundays. The biggest problem has been Elara's desire to get on the bus and go to school with Z!

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