Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Handy Uncle Manny

Uncle Robert was a great sport about being Zachary's "manny" (man-nanny!) while I was out visiting, and unable to play my normal active Momma role. He would wake up with Z, take him to the potty, get him dressed and feed him breakfast, and then find ways to keep him entertained all day. And I know from experience that these aren't always easy tasks! Luckily Zachary loves his Uncle very much, and practically did anything Uncle Robert asked of him (I think Uncle Robert was better at getting him to willingly go up to the potty than I am!). Most of the time. 

You could tell when Z had had enough though. It was almost like when he was a tiny baby, and had been passed around from person to person one too many times, and needed what we called a Momma-Recharge. I would need to snuggle up with him on the recliner, and we'd have some story time, and some playtime. It's not quite like being his main caretaker, but we're managing as best we can considering the circumstances. Admittedly, it's nice to know that I'm not completely replaceable yet!

The rest of the time, Z had Aunts and Uncles to keep him busy, and take him outside to run around and play. Or just relax on the patio, under the shade of a cool umbrella. (even Momma got to spend some time resting under that umbrella!) I know he liked having picnics out on the patio, and he loved watching Irja  and Uncle Robert running around the yard. Next time we visit I want to be running around the yard playing too. Although, I will miss having my brothers and sisters waking up with Z every morning!!

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