Tuesday, November 20, 2012

lower lip...

Oh my goodness this child is sensitive. And tempermental. I suppose Z is a pretty sensitive kid too, but not quite the same way that his sister is. It takes so little for her to flip from perfectly happy smile to big crocodile tears. Elara doesn't like it when things are too busy or loud. I'm getting the impression she'd much prefer to be taken to a nice quiet room for nursing or even playtime. Nothing makes her lower lip stick out faster than a loud noise, and then she'll definitely add her own loud noise to the cacophony. She is still a Momma's girl, and typically just wants to be held and cuddled all the time. She'll sometimes settle for just being able to see me, which isn't always easy when we're in the car and I'm driving! 

We're still getting to know your personality Miss E. Hang in there--we'll get you figured out eventually!

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