Monday, November 5, 2012

No Fork Necessary


Timing was right over our last visit to my parent’s house for us to celebrate Zachary’s birthday. We had a real and true party, with balloons, toy story decorations, a dragon cake, family and friends, and of course presents! It’s one of those things that is always harder when you don’t live close to family. You don’t always get to celebrate the little events—you spend your time (and money!) for the big events. Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Weddings dominate all your vacation time and travel budget.

So when we’re home for an unexpected visit, and it coincides with a birthday, I jump at the chance to celebrate. I have fun memories of birthday parties with my family. Elizabeth and I always shared our parties because she was born on the 12th, and I was born on the 15th. This meant I was usually stuck with vanilla cake, because she didn’t like chocolate. *sigh* It was mostly just our family, sometimes a few friends would join us. We always ate a meal, then opened presents with everyone.  Cake before presents or after, it depended on how stuffed you were from dinner. I’m glad we were able to celebrate Zachary’s birthday in the same fashion.

We had spaghetti and meat sauce that he hardly touched (even with Amanda encouraging him), and cake that he absolutely devoured.  Someone asked Z, if he needed a fork for his cake, and Z said, “No, I will just use my mouth.”  As usual he covered his ears as we all sang happy birthday to him. Although he should have been covering his ears to silence the crying baby Elara! Thank goodness Uncle Robert was there to keep her bouncing, and Amber Hunny played photographer for me, whenever I had to nurse Elara.

Z was terribly spoiled, of course. Everything from dragons from Nonna, and a Smiladon from Poppa, to an incredible grab-bag from Auntie Lizzie with bugs and coloring books and angry birds. Scott must be really impressed by Z, because he got him a Happy 4th Birthday Card (and some really cool Avengers figurines!) Uncle Robert and Amanda got him his new go-to movie, Curious George, and Grandma and Grandpa  got him a very cool buzz light year car. The best part was trying to fit all of the new toys in the suitcase to get them to Connecticut.

And speaking of terribly spoiled, this was just the first of Zachary’s many birthday celebrations! Stay Tuned---Three Years old is a BIG DEAL.

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