Wednesday, April 9, 2014


This seriously happens at my house, almost every single day. No matter how cranky the mood, or tearful the exchange, if I ask if the kids want me to put yoga on, they run for the yoga mat, and wait (impatiently) for me to cue up a session. I'm also NEVER allowed to put away the mat. Elara wanders around saying "mah, mah?" until I guiltily put it back from wherever I've hidden it. I was probably just hoping I could vacuum the floor and keep things uncluttered for twenty minutes. How dare I. 

They love it though, and I think it's good for them. Elara will sometimes just stand and watch, but she likes to attempt some of the moves, especially if big brother is there to help direct her. Big brother on the other hand, fully participates. His favorite parts: TogetherTime, when the adults come and do a move with them, and the end, when they lay down in meditation, and I cover him up with a blanket. Elara likes that part too. Of course she does, it involves blankets.

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