Sunday, September 30, 2012


 This morning, Zachary burst into our bedroom and announced, "Daddy, I'm THREE!!!" Then he went downstairs and played with Auntie Christine while Momma and Daddy caught up on some sleep! With 10-week-old Elara, and newly-three Zachary, we aren't getting much of that. Thanks Auntie--it felt like I was getting a birthday present! 

In some ways, Zachary turning 3 doesn't feel like as much of a shock as it was when he turned 2. Z is a big brother now, and such a grown up little guy in so many ways, that it's easy to believe he's 3. He's been acting like a 3 year old for months! Maybe it's just the contrast between him and Elara that helps make it more believable. He is so big next to teeny little baby girl. I spend so much of my time carrying her around, and changing her diapers, that when I go to lift him up, he feels like a giant! 

He is a doting, affectionate little boy; he loves his Momma and his Daddy, and especially his little sister. He loves to dance and sing, is obsessed with all animals, especially dinosaurs and undersea creatures, and would happily spend all afternoon playing in the dirt. He is always game for an adventure--whether it's a trip to the aquarium, library or just the grocery store. He is quite decidedly against naps, and for snacks, and will happily tell you exactly what he thinks about anything. He laughs freely, and makes up voices for his stuffed animals. He loves books--right now one of his favorites is I Wish that I had Duck Feet. We spend many afternoons painting, coloring or playing with play-do. I love when he crawls into bed with me (and Elara) in the morning, and cuddles up to watch cartoons or read a book. Stories at bedtime have become an elaborate affair, where equal attention (and demand) is lavished upon every single storyteller in the house.

I adore his creative mind, his great sense of humor, quick wit, and his carefree, affectionate personality. He remembers everything--and will repeat anything he hears (so be careful what you say around him!) 

You roared into our lives 3 years ago, and haven't slowed down since.

Thanks for 3 awesome years Zachary, we love you!
 Happy Birthday!!!
And, fashion sense aside (I mean, c'mon, Grandma's shoes, pj shorts and a Mr. Mischievous t-shirt...) Z is an extremely good looking 3 year old. =)

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