Thursday, June 12, 2014

For Nonna

As we grow up, and scatter across the world(!), we all realize it's only going to get harder to get all of us siblings together for a picture. Even when we are in town for a visit, it's still difficult to coordinate things like work schedules, nap schedules, and shower schedules, so that we can all be presentable for a quick picture. But it makes Nonna happy. She wants a picture of all five of her babies together. And, with the uncertainty of life, I can understand her desire. Even with both of my children still living in the house, I find it challenging to get a good picture of the two of them. But I make it happen anyway, because I know my grandmother would love one more picture of her two daughters together. Life is too fleeting not to take advantage (and snap a picture, says the photographer in me!) when you have the opportunity.

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